Benefits of Meditation
Reduce stress and anxiety
Meditation cuts back your stress chemistry (like cortisol and adrenaline) and replaces it with natural, endogenous bliss chemistry (like dopamine and serotonin).
Stay focused and clear
Meditation develops full-brain functioning. Your prefrontal cortex is activated, alpha waves increase and neurophysiology changes so you think clearly and make good decisions.
Sleep better and have more energy
The very deep rest of meditation does two things: gives you lots of energy throughout the day and calms your system so you can fall asleep (and stay asleep!)
Be healthier and younger
Stress weakens your immune system and speeds up the ageing process. Meditation reverses this: you get sick less often and you stay youthful.
Get along better with people
When you’re healthier, happier and thinking clearly, you’re a nicer person to be around. All your relationships get better.
What is Vedic Meditation?
Vedic Meditation comes from the Veda, the ancient body of knowledge from India. The Veda is the source of yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic medicine and is the basis of all Eastern philosophy.
On the course you learn a mantra—a simple meaningless sound—that you repeat silently. The mantra quiets the mind and takes you to a settled state. As your mind settles, your body begins to rest more deeply than sleep. You come out of meditation feeling clear, refreshed, and ready to engage.
Vedic Meditation is effortless and natural. You simply sit in a chair with your eyes closed for about 20 minutes in the morning and again in the early evening.
What it’s NOT:
- you’re not joining a religion or changing your beliefs
- you don’t have to struggle to focus or concentrate
- it’s not difficult—anyone can do this
- you don’t have to ditch your latte and switch to kale juice
Research on Meditation
A quick Google search for “benefits of meditation” shows over 30 million results! To make it easier, we’ve edited these down to a few articles with links and quotes from scientific studies*.
Psychology Today
20 Scientific Reasons to Start Meditating Today
“When I started meditating, I did not realize it would also make me healthier, happier, and more successful. Having witnessed the benefits, I devoted my PhD research at Stanford to studying the impact of meditation. I saw people from diverse backgrounds from college students to combat veterans benefit. In the last 10 years, hundreds of studies have been released.”
Click here to read the full article
Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit
“There is a true biological effect,” said Denninger, director of research at one of Harvard Medical School’s teaching hospitals. “The kinds of things that happen when you meditate do have effects throughout the body, not just in the brain.”
Click here to read the full article
Time Magazine
Strongest Study Yet Shows Meditation Can Lower Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
After roughly five years of follow-up, the researchers found a 48% reduction in the overall risk of heart attack, stroke, and death from any cause among members of the meditation group compared to those from the health education group. “It’s like discovering a whole new class of medications,” Schneider says of the power of meditation in improving the patients’ health.
Click here to read the full article
* We teach Vedic Meditation, the form of meditation that our teacher, Thom Knoles, taught for over 25 years within the Transcendental Meditation organizations. TM has been the subject of hundreds of scientific studies showing a wide range of benefits from regular practice. (These studies refer to this form of meditation using the name “Transcendental Meditation” or “TM”.)
For more information about the relationship between Vedic Meditation and Transcendental Meditation, see our FAQ page.